Phase 2
In Phase 2, mental activities will remain relatively the same
Mental Activities:
Baking, reading, journaling, studying, drawing, computer, tablet, baking, video games, tv, music
Goal: 5-60 minutes per day as tolerated
Physical Activity [Moderate Aerobic/Exertion Activity]:
In Phase 2, higher level progression of light physical activity and the incorporation of lower level resistance activities is added
Think big yet focus small. We want to be mindful of the long term goal. Start out with 1-5 minutes and progressively build from there. Physical activity isn’t just for athletes. Non athletes can do this too!
Feel free to contact me for exercise adjustments/progressions based on your fitness level.
Cardiovascular activities at short duration:
Light walking, biking or elliptical depending on what is tolerable
Goal: 20 minutes
Resistance activities at short duration:
Body weight resistance and/or resistance bands at low intensity
Goal: 20 minutes without provoking symptoms
Can you complete Phase 2 light cardio for 20 minutes and resistance activity for 20 minutes without increasing symptoms?
No? Repeat Phase 2
Yes? Progress to Phase 3