Phase 4

The foundation has been set. The basics have been mastered. We have started to climb the mountain. Take time to reflect on how far you have come
— Lauren Fullerman

In Phase 4 we ramp up the intensity of our physical activity to stimulate the stressors of real life situations. Intensity of the activities in this phase should be high, simulating the individuals typical lifestyle. Mental activities will remain relatively the same.

Mental Activities:

Baking, reading, journaling, studying, drawing, computer, tablet, baking, video games, tv, music

Goal: 5-60 minutes per day as tolerated

Physical Activity [Moderate Aerobic/Exertion Activity]:

Non Athletes:

Incorporate agility and plyometrics into your daily movement. You do not have to be an athlete to incorporate these because variations can be individualized and implemented to match your fitness level.


No drills with potential of contact with another player are permitted. Use non contact, sports simulated activities if a practice is not scheduled

Cardiovascular activities:

Light jogging, biking, elliptical

Goal: 40 minutes

Resistance activities:

Body weight resistance, dumbbells and/or resistance bands at higher intensity

Goal: 40 minutes total without provoking symptoms

Can you complete Phase 4 light cardio for 40 minutes and resistance activity for 40 minutes without increasing symptoms?

No? Repeat Phase 4


Non Athletes - consult with healthcare team

Athletes - progress to Phase 5